Film Binder




Film Binder is an app for aspiring filmmakers. Collaboration has never been this easy, organized, transparent in the process of filmmaking. It creates a virtual space for creative minds to get wide opportunities. It works best for both filmmakers and production houses.

UI/UX Designer
  • Conducting user interviews
  • Brainstorming wide variety of solutions
  • Defining scope, information architecture and user flow
  • Low and high fidelity prototyping
  • Conducting usability studies
  • Iterating on designs
Project Duration
Feb 2021 - Apr 2021

User Research

Target Audience
  • People who are passionate about film making.
  • People who are good at film crafts with or without prior experience.
  • People who want to make their career in films.
  • People who want to give a try in film making.

User Research Summary

We conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users we are designing for and their needs. A primary user group identified through research was young adults who are woking professionals but want to give it a try in films.
The majority of the people are more or less facing the same issue that the process of getting hired as a film maker by the production houses. Also, lack of transparency and reliability.

Pain Points
  • Unclear process to get an opportunity.
  • Lack of trust and transparency.
  • Endless wait time without knowing the result.



These are create using the insights gathered from the user interviews, to understand the target users deeply about their behaviours, goals, motivations and needs.

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The Problem

Aspiring film makers are unable to get an opportunity to be hired by the production houses.

Arjun is an aspiring film maker who needs an easy app experience to get hired as a film maker because it is almost impossible for him to visit production houses in person.

The Goal

Design a Film Binder app for aspiring film makers that allows them to easily search for an opportunity and get hired by the production houses.

Our Film Binder app will let the users get an an opportunity in films which will affect the aspiring film makers by giving them the ability to connect directly with the production houses.



Users should be able to:

  • View the list of films that are in pre-production and production.
  • Search for their favourite genre.
  • Choose the film that they would like to be a part of.
  • Apply for the desired position.
  • Track the list of films that have been applied for.
  • Showcase portfolio.
Information Architecture

Here’s the result of card sorting exercise that defines the information architecture. It helps the users finding the information as they need without any issues or friction.

User Flow

Here’s the user flow defined for the app. It makes the user journey clear throughout the app.


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The app makes users feel like Film Binder app really thinks about how to meet the user needs and pain points. Understanding what the users are going through in the process of getting an opportunity in films had helped us make the user journey simpler and easier than ever before. Like always, empathizing with the users would always help make great products.

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